ATS Exclusive:
Now offering the only Doctoral Degree
in Apostolic & Prophetic Studies.
Our Mission & Purpose
Welcome to ATS, the Apostles Theological Seminary. You have embarked upon a lifelong endeavor to sharpen your understanding of the Revelation of Christ. At ATS you will be given the unique opportunity to research and discover even more about the wonders of the mysteries of Christ, His Messianic Kingdom, and His Holy Apostolic Church, the Israel of the New Covenant. These mysteries were entrusted to the original apostles of the Lamb and the first ascension-gift apostles by the Lord in the very beginning of Messiah's Day. They have been preserved for us in the Canon of the New Testament and are in the process of being revealed to His Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists. Shepherds and Teachers today by the Lord Jesus and His Spirit to enable His five-fold ministers to fully equip His New Covenant saints to become the Holy Nation they have been called to be.
These are exciting times as nations are being shaken, denominations are crumbling, and the inadequacy of independent ministries and churches spell the end of the "subnormal" church as we have known it. We are seeing the Lord Jesus restore the apostolic foundations laid in the beginning, and reform, rebuild and empower His One Holy Apostolic Church to inherit the nations through the proclamation and demonstration of the Gospel of the Kingdom!

Dr. George Kouri
ATS Chanceller
Presiding Apostle of the Communion of Apostolic Churches
A word from our founder:
Whether you are an experienced minister looking to continue your journey of preparation and increase your usefulness to our glorious Savior and King, or just beginning your journey, as founder and Chancellor of ATS, I wholeheartedly invite you to enroll in our Masters of Apostolic and Prophetic Studies and join our online global community of faculty and students. Let our experienced faculty of apostles and prophets and senior leadership team help you develop, strengthen, and enhance your ministry-gift and calling and fulfill your Kingdom destiny.
Also, starting October 15 of 2021, ATS is proud to announce that we will be offering a Doctorate in Apostolic and Prophetic Studies. Thus ATS will be the only seminary on the planet offering both a Masters and Doctorate in Apostolic and Prophetic Studies. If you are a five-fold minister and seriously interested in pursuing either of these degrees, I encourage you to apply now and get started by enrolling in our Introductory course, God’s Agenda For the 21st Century. Please note that God’s Agenda For The 21st Century is required for all candidates for both the ATS Masters and Doctors Degrees.
In addition to the Apostles Theological Seminary I encourage you to visit the George Kouri Institute of Apostolic and Prophetic Studies and register for our Free Basic Membership, or for only $9.99 a month, you can register in our Premium Membership. The GKI Premium Membership will give you access to everything available on the site, including the best of my more than 48 years of apostolic and prophetic ministry on three continents, as well as the very best of Ern Baxter's more than 68 years of apostolic and prophetic ministry. All of these invaluable ministry and leadership training resources, including the PDF's of my published books, are available now on our online, global, video and PDF driven, apostolic and prophetic ministry and leadership training resource center.
The George Kouri Institute of Apostolic and Prophetic Studies also offers a Master Builder Diploma in Apostolic and Prophetic Studies. For detailed information click here: https://georgekouriinstitute.org/course/master-builder-program/.
Finally, as the Presiding Apostle of the Communion of Apostolic Churches, a global fellowship of apostles, five-fold ministers and churches, I invite you to study the CAC’s Resolutions and Constitution, an Architectural Blueprint for the Israel of the New Covenant, and prayerfully consider becoming part of our global fellowship of apostles and churches.
Personally Designed for You
The Apostles Theological Seminary currently grants a Master of Apostolic and Prophetic Studies degree to students completing online courses of study as outlined on our degree programs page. The Chancellor and President have been working diligently for a number of months to be able to offer a Doctorate of Apostolic and Prophetic Studies degree which will be available beginning October 15, 2021. All ATS degrees are based upon the intensive study of the authentic Gospel of the Kingdom preached by Jesus, Peter, Paul and all the original apostles, and on the revelation of the mysteries of Christ and His Kingdom (i.e. the Keys of the Kingdom of heaven, Matthew 16:19) that Jesus Himself entrusted to the original apostles in the first century and that has been preserved for us and for all future generations in the Canon of the New Testament. The God given-mandate and goal of ATS is to help raise up a new generation of authentic apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds and teachers for the 21st Century.
To become enrolled into a degree program one must complete and submit the ATS application form from the Application page, pay the $25 fee, and submit a transcript for a completed Bachelor's degree OR submit transcripts of post High School Studies and a Life Learning Paper. This Life Learning Paper option requires a $150 fee with its submission. The paper is a 5-10 page testimony of skills learned in life to successfully make a living or equip you for your ministry.
Once entered into the degree program, each course has a syllabus with reading and writing assignments to be completed by students. A faculty overseer reviews assignments and provides constructive feedback as needed. In the Doctoral program, in addition to completing the reading and writing assignments, the students will be expected to participate in three live 2 hour sessions for each of the nine courses that make up the Doctoral program. Each assignment and course are either completed or not on a pass/fail basis. Upon successful completion of the chosen degree program, graduates will receive their chosen Master's or Doctorate Degree.
Current costs for ATS courses are meant to be truly affordable for most prospective students, especially in the United States, the UK, and the EU. This is not meant to be reflective of the true value or worth of the material, which is invaluable, and which you will not find at any other seminary on the planet. The required introductory course is $50 for 2 credit hours, and is intended to be a "taste and see" opportunity for prospective students to experience for themselves and determine if ATS is the right for them. The other Masters courses are $125 per credit hour or $375 per course. The Doctorate level courses will be $150 per credit hour or $450 per course. The long term plan is to have sufficient scholarships available so that any qualified student in any country may take the courses without going into debt.
Admission into the ATS Master’s degree program requires the completion of a bachelor’s degree or the equivalent Life Learning Credit (Life learning credit must be earned with a comprehensive report concerning life and ministry experience along with a payment of $150). Additional Pre-requisites include an English writing class for those who have not successfully completed a college level English writing course. The Final Pre-requisite is a Bible Competency exam for those who have not passed a bible survey class in their educational background. Not passing this exam will require the passing of a bible survey course as a pre-requisite.
This program includes the introductory course of 2 credit hours, 8 core classes of 3 credit hours each, and 3 elective courses, for a total of 12 courses and 35 credit hours. The purpose of this degree program is to equip students to thoroughly understand, communicate and minister the revelation of the Gospel of the Kingdom with its implications.
We will continue to introduce the seminary with a “taste and see” offer, with a $25 application fee and a $50 fee for the initial course (AM 507 – see below) into the Master’s degree program: (The Seminary’s mandate can be discovered first hand by taking this course). Except for the Introductory course, all master degree courses are $99 per course ($33 per credit hour).

“It has been my joy to know Apostle George Kouri for about 20 years. He is a spiritual father both to myself and many others as well as a tremendous mentor. He has been graced to operate as an apostle both here in the United States and abroad, with so many being affected by his fatherhood and apostolic grace and anointing. His integrity and teaching are phenomenal and I would thoroughly recommend his Doctorate of Apostolic and Prophetic studies to any who want to further their walk and understanding in the kingdom of God. I pray he will affect your life as he has mine… Dennis Goldsworthy- Davis. International prophetic ministry and author.”

Dr. James Bradshaw
President, ATS