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An Apostolic Reformation

Jesus of Nazareth is seated today on the throne of King David and ruling the nations from the right hand of God the Father as Lord and King (Acts 2:29-36 and Revelation 1:5). He is also building His Church, which is to be a demonstration of His Kingdom to light the nations of the earth and the body or instrument of His Kingdom purpose to conquer Satan's kingdom, possess cities and nations and fill all things with the glory of God (Matthew 16:18). Since the beginning of the Twentieth Century to the present the Lord has been pouring out His Spirit to revive His work and restore the apostolic or Kingdom foundations of His Church. The modern church has seen the pentecostal movement, the latter rain movement, the healing movement, the charismatic movement, the discipleship movement, the word of faith movement, the worship movement, the prophetic movement, the prayer and spiritual warfare movement, and even the so-called convergence movement. But today the Lord is in the process of raising a new generation of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers, and joining or connecting them together in the power of the Holy Spirit to extend His Messianic Kingdom to the nations of the earth and to restore the foundations and reform His Church. The purpose of the current apostolic reformation is to enable the myriads of allotments or congregations of Lord's Church to rediscover the Kingship of Jesus and become properly joined together or connected in the Holy Spirit and in the fellowship or communion of apostles and elders so that it might function as One Holy Apostolic Church throughout the earth and ultimately succeed in its mission to disciple the nations and fill the earth with the glory of God!

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