This course will begin on April 18th at 9 am EDST with an introduction via Zoom link:
At that time the course syllabus will be reviewed, questions will be fielded about the courses content, and four additional zoom meetings will be set. Tentatively the following dates will be on Thursday mornings at 9 am EDST on May 2, May 23, June 13 and July 11th. All course assignments will be due by the end of July for those enrolled for credit. This course may be audited by any interested parties.
The outline for the course is as follows:
1. The hermeneutic of Jesus and historical biblical context.
2. The Call of Moses as God’s Prophet, the apostle and high priest of the Old (Mosaic) Covenant.
3. Prophetic Models for Reformation:
a. Joshua, the Reformation of Old Covenant Israel, and the conquest of the promised land.
b. Saul and David, the Reformation of Old Covenant Israel from the time of The Judges (“everyone did what was right in his own eyes”).
c. The Ezra-Nehemiah Reformation of Israel with the rebuilding of the Temple and the walls of Jerusalem.
d. Jesus the Great Reformer, putting an end to the Old Covenant (with the fulfillment of the promises in it) and establishing the New Covenant (through the birth of the New Israel, the Church).
At the end of this course you will learn the historical-biblical context through which the Gospel of the Kingdom is properly proclaimed, the current reign and rule of Jesus Christ as King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Great High Priest and Chief Apostle, and the administration of the New Covenant through His Church, the New Israel of the Spirit.
For those interested in taking this course contact President Jim Bradshaw via email The cost for credit in the Doctor of Apostolic and Prophetic Studies degree is $150 plus enrollment. Go here for admissions application: Cost for audit is $100. Payment may be by check or paypal. Email Dr. Jim Bradshaw for details for payment and any other preliminary inquiries.