New Doctoral Course Starting Feb 20 9 AM ESTThe Restoration and Reformation of the Church.pdfDownload PDF • 58KBPlease click the PDF above to see the syllabus for our new doctoral course.Join Zoom Meeting ID: 984 5267 4810Passcode: 288048
The Restoration and Reformation of the Church.pdfDownload PDF • 58KBPlease click the PDF above to see the syllabus for our new doctoral course.Join Zoom Meeting ID: 984 5267 4810Passcode: 288048
New Course Anouncement: PM 805 Prophetic Models for ReformationThis course will begin on April 18th at 9 am EDST with an introduction via Zoom link:
Revelation Course begins!The Doctoral Level Course, AD 805 The Revelation of Christ and His Bride, begins this week for Apostles Theological Seminary. It...
In the Spirit on the Lord's Day“I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day…” Rev 1:10. The initial audience (the seven churches) to which John wrote this epistle entitled...